About us

Amrutadaulatabadkararchitects (ada-a) is an award winning interdisciplinary architectural firm delivering finest quality of design led by overall experience. The firm offers good to do advice on Architecture, Interior and Landscape design which are practical and unique. ada-a tAbouakes each project as an opportunity to create which endures clients. The firm aims at providing qualitative design for the full range of projects. We have a passionate team from different design schools who are dedicated towards design and client satisfaction.

Amruta Daulatabadkar – Founder

Amruta daulatabadkar is the founding director and principal designer of ada-a, who tries to create the design with simplicity and clarity, and try to convenience all the stakeholders to contribute in the final outcome in whatever ways possible, for her being true and genuine in design is must as design reflects your inner self, a design should be worked out with intuition considering all the social and economic factors.